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Arts and Physical Education


Orchestral Instruments

Department of Orchestral Instruments

  • Master : O (Specialization: woodwind, string, percussion)

    Doctoral : O Admitted to the “Department of Music”

  • 02-710-9559
  • College of Music, Room 201

Educational Objectives:

  1. Our department is dedicated to cultivating skilled and accomplished performers in the realm of orchestral instrument performance.
  2. We emphasize the development of individuals who possess both outstanding musical prowess and the qualities of exceptional music educators, all centered around their orchestral instrument performance abilities.
  3. Our mission is to foster visionary artists who can spearhead the cultural and artistic domains with their exceptional creativity and talent.

Educational Goals:

  1. By enhancing practical training that leverages the characteristics of each major, the department cultivates the ability to create and perform music, providing diverse performance experiences to foster creative professional musicians.
  2. The department aims to enhance the exploration of music arts in general, establish a broad range of cultural and social literacy, and cultivate qualities and instructional abilities as holistic educators.
  3. The department nurtures professional musicians who can contribute to the cultural and artistic development of the nation and the people by developing a progressive artistic sensibility and reflecting new trends in the field, in line with the educational philosophy of globalization and informatization.